A total of 16 new hospitals were immersed into the Performance Governance System (PGS) during the 7th and 8th Governance in Healthcare Summit: PGS Module held last January 29-31 and March 25-27, 2019, respectively. The Philippine Heart Center (PHC), staying true to their commitment as an Island of Good Governance, introduced the other hospitals to the road to good governance in providing better patient care and service for the Filipino people.
The delegates were welcomed to the summit by Dr. Joel M. Abanilla, PHC Executive Director. Afterward, Dr. Gerardo S. Manzo, PHC Deputy Executive Director for Medical Services, and Dr. Juliet J. Balderas shared the Heart Center’s journey with the PGS to the audience and listed the massive benefits of sustaining the PGS and what it could mean for Philippine hospitals.
The Department of Health (DOH) presented the FOURmula One Plus for Health Strategy, also known as the F1 Plus, which aims to boost universal healthcare by strengthening health financing, service delivery, regulation, and governance.  DOH Assistant Secretary Dr. Lyndon Lee-Suy addressed the delegates and affirmed them of DOH’s role in the future of their hospitals and the delivery of Filipino health service. He also explained how the participating hospitals could align themselves with the F1 Plus through the Hospital Scorecard indicators and measures.
Former Wyeth Academy faculty member Orlando Clavinez presented his insights on the PGS and emphasized on the importance of identifying with a set of core values tied to one’s vision and mission statements. He likened an organization’s charter statement to the “North Star,” explaining how it guides institutions through their journey with the PGS.
Christian Zaens, ISA’s  Executive Director, explained how the hospitals should come up with their strategic positioning and revisit their vision, mission, and core values and introduced the PGS elements to the delegates, briefing them on each component and sharing how strategies can be effectively implemented for their own institutions. The hospitals, together with an ISA facilitator acting as their partner, created strategy maps, core and support process roadmaps, and scorecards. They focused on the areas of patient care, linkages, research, and training – identifying specific deliverables and targets for 2019-2022 – that are unique to their hospitals.
Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center, Bicol Medical Center, Caraga Regional Hospital, Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital, Mayor Hilarion A. Ramiro, Sr. Medical Center, San Lorenzo Ruiz Women’s Hospital, Research Institute for Tropical Medicine, and Valenzuela Medical Center engaged in ISA’s PGS as they created their own PGS strategy maps and scorecards during the 7th Governance in Healthcare Summit. Â
The 8th Summit, on the other hand, welcomed the Zamboanga City Medical Center, National Children’s Hospital, Margosatubig Regional Hospital, Cagayan Valley Medical Center, Ospital ng Palawan, Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital, Region II Trauma and Medical Center, and the Dr. Jose Natalio Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center to their PGS journey.
The hospitals presented their roadmaps to a panel – consisting of Dr. Abanilla, Dr. Manzo, Associate of Nursing Service Administrators of the Philippines (ANSAP) President Dr. Maria Linda G. Buhat, Philippine Army Army Governance and Strategy Management Office (AGSMO) Head Col. Joel M. Paloma, and Bataan General Hospital Medical Center Chief Dr. Glory V. Baltazar – who provided the participants with valuable feedback regarding their strategies and their relationship to the status quo of their institutions. At the end of both the 7th and 8th batches of the PGS Module,  all of the hospitals had completed their basic governance documents and were ready to begin their path towards transformation with the PGS.