PGS Online
digital learning and capacity building
Our Online Interventions
digital learning and capacity building

Strategy Formulation
In Strategy Formulation, the organization works with ISA to integrate existing plans into a cohesive long-term strategy that seeks to level up the delivery of the organization’s mandate. This session is dedicated to crafting the Strategy Map and Governance Scorecard – the guiding frameworks which define and detail the overall strategic direction of the organization.
The online intervention will be divided into two sessions – (1) Strategic Positioning and (2) Strategy Formulation, and will cover the validation of the organization’s multi-year deliverables and the articulation of its strategic objectives.

The Clean-up Session is dedicated to polishing the initial Strategy Map, Enterprise Scorecard, and Strategic Deliverables to ensure the readiness of the strategy for execution.

In this intervention, ISA seeks to capacitate the organization’s department heads through a series of Cascading Sessions to ensure their unit’s progression towards the fulfillment of their deliverables and targets outlined in their scorecards.

OSM Capacity Building & MSGC Management
In this session, ISA trains the members of the organization’s Office for Strategy Management (OSM) and orients them on how to properly execute, monitor, and sustain their organization’s strategy, as well as manage their Multi-Sector Governance Council (MSGC).
This intervention covers an online discussion of the roles and responsibilities of the OSM in the implementation of each PGS element. It discusses the mechanisms for conducting strategy reviews and process coaching for units, and the approaches to successfully managing the MSGC.

The Pre-Revalida prepares an organization for their upcoming Public Revalida, where they will present the progress and milestones of their strategy. In this session, the organization delivers their revalida presentation in order to obtain feedback and recommendations from a mock panel which includes members of ISA’s management committee and selected associates. The discussion is then documented for the organization to use in refining the narrative and the delivery of their final revalida presentation.

Public Revalida
The Public Revalida is a platform where organizations present their stories of transformation and progression in the PGS pathway before a specially convened panel of good governance and field experts. Presenting partners will be given honor in an awarding ceremony where they will be commended for their achievements.

Organizational Assessment
For Initiation
The Organizational Assessment, evaluates the maturity of the organization’s strategic readiness and governance mechanisms based on the parameters of the PGS. This will be conducted through an online survey and series of focus group discussions and interviews. This assessment aims to provide baseline data for the organization to consider as it progresses to the next stages of the PGS Pathway.

Spot Audit
For Compliance
The Spot Audit checks the progress of the organization’s strategy vis-à -vis the strategic contributions of selected key departments and units. It aims to validate the presence and maturity of the essential elements of the PGS critical to the execution and sustainability of the organization’s strategy at a particular PGS Stage. For this intervention, online group discussions and interviews are conducted to assess how the organization has facilitated strategy and operations reviews.

Strategic Readiness Test
For Proficiency and Institutionalization
The Strategic Readiness Test (SRT) evaluates the maturity of the organization’s strategic readiness and governance mechanisms using the parameters of the PGS. It seeks to provide data for the organization to consider as it progresses to the Proficiency or Institutionalized Stage of the PGS Pathway.
This intervention covers the conduct of the strategic readiness test, which is assessed in 5 components: (1) an online survey, (2) focus group discussions, (3) interviews, (4) spot audit, and (5) documents review. This step determines if the organization will move on to undergo the Governance Mechanisms Assessment or Third-Party Audit.

Third Party Audit
For Proficiency & Institutionalization
The Governance Mechanisms Assessment is conducted by a third-party auditor to evaluate the maturity of the identified governance elements and the integrity of the breakthrough results.
The program design covers the conduct of the Third-Party Audit comprising two phases: (1) Quantitative Assessment and (2) Qualitative Assessment. A comprehensive report resulting from the audit gives an overview of the progress of the organization, and with support from the ISA Board of Trustees, determines the advancement of the organization to the Public Revalida.