Last December 14 to 15, 2015, Chris Zaens of ISA facilitated the Strategy Mapping and Scorecarding Session of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF). The NCMF is taking its first steps on its transformation and governance journey through the support of the EU-Philippines Justice Support Program (EPJUST II).
The session was attended by  Hon. Yasmin Busran-Lao (Secretary/Chief Executive Officer), Commissioner Salemm Demuna, Commissioner James Dinil, Commissioner Esgair Ebrahim, Commisssioner Aisha Flores-Malayang, Tahir S. Lidasan, Jr. (Executive Director), Regional Directors, Central Office Directors.
Through the two-day session, NCMF was able to craft a strategy map and enterprise scorecard which will – hopefully – lead to achievement of the Commission’s vision of a “progressive, caring, and peaceful Muslim Filipino communities living harmoniously with all stakeholders.” NCMF’s strategy is hinged on the new strategic direction of NCMF which focuses on the areas of Islamic Microfinance and Halal. Achievement of the breakthrough/vision means a stronger fulfillment of the NCMF’s mandate, greater socio–economic impact on its stakeholders, and improved organizational culture founded on governance values and principles.