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Notes from the field

What is it like advocating for good governance? Some ISA staff and associates share their reflections and gifts for the year 2015. Read on to find out more about their journey in making governance a shared responsibility.

Luis Martinez“Before working in ISA, I worked for the President under the APEC National Organizing Council. I enjoyed dealing with the local governments hosting the meetings. In ISA, I am a Program Coordinator for Local Government Units. Like my work at APEC NOC, I also deal with LGUs, which I really enjoy.

On my first day, the people we’re very warm in welcoming me. My teammates made me feel at ease with them immediately. Our executives are also happy and friendly people. ISA’s office environment and culture are conducive for productive and cooperative work. These are the things that convinced me that working for ISA was a good choice.”

– Luis Martinez, PC for LGU

Gabrielle Sajo“It’s refreshing to work for an organization which strives to shed a positive light on our government agencies and units. I’ve always been sort of pessimistic about the state of our society. ISA taught me to shed that kind of cynicism and focus on contributing what I can. This organization taught me that everyone has a role; that governance is truly a shared responsibility.

The chance to work in ISA is the biggest gift I’ve received this year. It is a gift to witness numerous organizations recognized for all their efforts towards good governance. I’m lucky to have been part of the Islands of Good Governance, and glad that every step led to where I am now. It’s a blessing to work with people who share the same values, and to be part of an organization pursuing such a noble cause.”

– Gabrielle Sajo, PC for Learning & Development

Nic Espinoza“Working at ISA has been an unparalleled experience. It completely humanized people in government and opened my eyes to the realities of working in the bureaucracy. In the face of institutional weakness and structural restraints, it is inspiring to see so many dedicated and enthusiastic patriots toiling under constant scrutiny for improved standards of living for our countrymen.

I am so blessed to be in the company of such amazing people in the NGA team. Each one of them is technically skilled, compassionate, bright, and idealistic. My gratitude for their patient tutelage and assistance is deep and enduring. I am certain that with people like them working for good governance, I will see the transformation of our government and institutions in my lifetime.”

– Nicolas Espinoza, PC for NGA


“I’m really happy that I am now part of ISA. Every moment was more of a learning experience for me. I got to know and see first-hand the efforts of various agencies pursuing the welfare of the Filipino nation. I am very grateful for my fellow workers for making me feel welcome and a part of this governance advocacy.”

– Chezka Robles, PC for Learning & Development

Kirsten Ramos“Working at ISA has been so memorable. How many can say that they have met prominent figures on their first day of work? Such interactions with different personalities were just bonuses, though. The Institute pushed me to start from scratch—from knowing how to conduct social media campaigns to covering events like the Public Governance Forum. I did not have much experience but research and experimentation proved to be effective in solving that setback. I felt that my skillset improved greatly in the process. ISA also presented a different environment that involved developing me into a person who shook hands and emailed more “thank you’s” than I ever did before working here. Kidding aside, the Institute helped me to step out of my comfort zone and realize that I could hold my own.

Most importantly, ISA exposed me to an advocacy that I had been putting on the backburner for a long time. Good governance is in fact present in our country, which has been projected to sorely lack it. It is good to know there are still organizations that strive to better themselves. I’m lucky enough to know about them and I look forward to witnessing their transformations.”

– Kirsten Ramos, PA for Communication

Sandina David“ISA in itself is a gift – a gift of hope for the Filipino people because our government is working hard for us and with us.

Being in ISA has shown me that every person can help the public sector, no matter how big or small the effort. I come from a design background and, at the end of the day, I can still share in the responsibility of governance.”

– Sandina David, SPC for Communication

Kiko Caymo

“2015 has been a very fruitful year for me as the National Electrification Administration’s (NEA) OSM Manager as well as ISA’s Associate. Aside from my regular responsibilities as OSM Manager, I was designated as the agency’s Quality Management Representative. As such, I was able to oversee the establishment, implementation and maintenance of NEA’s Quality Management System (QMS) resulting to the issuance of ISO 9001:2008 Certification on 10 February 2015.

Sustaining the momentum of NEA’s distinction as the First PGS-Institutionalized National Government Agency and GOCC which was conferred by ISA on 23 September 2010, the agency applied for the Islands of Good Governance Certification in the middle part of this year. After passing the rigorous examinations conducted by ISA, Third Party Assessors and a Panel of international and local governance champions and anti-corruption advocates, NEA was recognized as one the Philippines’ first Islands of Good Governance.

The IGG certification provided me the opportunity to work closely with ISA staff and the teams of external assessors all throughout the process: from the submission of NEA’s application up to the recognition ceremonies.  These are the most fulfilling experiences and precious gifts for the year 2015.

Thank you.”

– Francisco A. Caymo, ISA Associate


“After having helped set up the basic governance mechanisms at the the AFP-level, I decided to finally push through with my plan to retire from the service. And this is the challenge of transformation: for the institution to prosper, we sometimes have to rise above our personal motives, desires and ambitions. There are things more important and bigger than our selves.”


Head, Development Bank of the Philippines Institute
Associate, Institute for Solidarity in Asia

LTC Paloma“The AFP’s Revalida journey during the Proficiency Status with a Silver Trailblazer Award last May which catapulted our bid for the Islands of Good Governance (IGG) this October in time for the APEC hosting was an exhilarating experience with ISA. The audit experience by external and world-class auditing firms made it more gripping, thus, making the journey worth celebrating and sharing.

What made this as a standout segment of the AFPTR journey is, it literally brought us closer to the vision of becoming a World-Class AFP, source of national pride. The systems and processes that we carry out, and the people inside the organization with a very limited capability delivered a breakthrough result with a bang, so to speak. Not only that the AFP made it as one of the twelve (12) first Island of Good Governance institutions, but three (3) of the twelve came from your Armed Forces, the Philippine Navy and the Philippine Army.”

– LTC Joel Paloma INF (GC) PA

Associate, Institute for Solidarity in Asia

“2015 was a blast for Team Mandaue. Not only were we given the opportunity to introduce our City to the world, through the Islands of Good Governance (IGG) and APEC, but more importantly I realized that we were given a chance to show our fellow Filipinos that we can all progress given the right mindset, tools, and will to change.

On a personal note, presenting to an international panel for the IGG was an unforgettable honor. The panelists’ comments and suggestions were very incisive. It made me realize that although the Philippine scenario is distinct and unique we, as governance warriors, need to expand our horizons and learn from the wealth of experience of other countries.

Looking back at the unrelenting efforts of all governance advocates and the progress collectively achieved in the governance pathway in 2015, reminds me that we all have to remain steadfast in the belief that Divine Providence has reserved sanity and reason despite the uncertainties of 2016; take full measure of the blessings received and the learnings gained; and, in the end, persevere and make the best of what we have to continuously grow as individuals and as a nation, regardless of the outcomes.”

– Atty. James Abadia

Associate, Institute for Solidarity in Asia

OSM City of Mandaue
