Blog & Press

Blog & Press

Stay up to date with our work in the public sector as we share stories of transformation and best practices in governance

Blog & Press

Stay up to date with our work in the public sector as we share stories of transformation and best practices in governance

Readying the country for its comeback in competitiveness

Right now, the Philippines is backsliding on its competitiveness streak. New challenges have arisen since 2015, pushing the country back to lower competitiveness rankings in the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Competitiveness Index. [...]

December 6, 2019|

Region II completes the lineup of competitiveness dialogues

The three-part series of regional consultations on competitiveness organized and facilitated by ISA together with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) drew to a close as the third and last dialogue—this time [...]

October 15, 2019|

Readying the country for its comeback in competitiveness

Right now, the Philippines is backsliding on its competitiveness streak. New challenges have arisen since 2015, pushing the country back to lower competitiveness rankings in the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Competitiveness Index. [...]

December 6, 2019|

Region II completes the lineup of competitiveness dialogues

The three-part series of regional consultations on competitiveness organized and facilitated by ISA together with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) drew to a close as the third and last dialogue—this time [...]

October 15, 2019|
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