29 Dec PGS, Event, PGF, Partner, Resources, Blog, Hospital ISA holds first onsite Public Governance Forum after COVID-19 pandemic January 26, 2023 By Johanna Amancio Nearly three years into the global health crisis, the Institute for Solidarity in Asia (ISA) conducted its first onsite Public Gove...Continue reading
13 Dec Uncategorized, PGS, Event, Resources, Blog, Skills Lab Slow public service delivery? Here are 5 reasons why Complete Staff Work is just what you need! January 10, 2023 By Johanna Amancio https://isacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/van-tay-media-Tv2AtkG_ilM-unsplash.jpg Photo by Van Tay Media on Unsplash Brid...Continue reading
29 Nov PGS, Partner, NGA, LGU, Resources, Blog, Hospital Infographic: ISA’s Performance Governance System in Numbers December 14, 2022 By Jeremy Tecson Every citizen has a dream for the country, but a grand reform process to achieve such ideals does not happen overnight. Creating la...Continue reading
30 Oct PGS, Event, PGF, Partner, NGA, Institutional, Resources, Press, Blog IPOPHL champions IP rights in public revalida July 22, 2023 By Jhulia Datu It's a new dawn for artists, inventors, and other gifted Filipino citizens as the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOP...Continue reading
27 Oct PGS, Event, PGF, Resources, Blog, Hospital EAMC advances in the PGS pathway with a Gold Trailblazer Award October 27, 2022 By Jhulia Datu Despite a challenging start to its governance journey amid the pandemic, the East Avenue Medical Center (EAMC) garnered the Gold Tr...Continue reading
03 Jun PGS, Event, Boot Camp, Resources, Blog, Skills Lab May Governance Review: ISA keeps up the good gov work in election month June 10, 2022 By Kirsten Ramos In May, voters all around the country headed to the polls with much hope and aspiration to practice their right to suffrage. While ...Continue reading
31 May PGS, Event, Resources, Blog, Skills Lab Low stakeholder engagement? Here are 5 tips to win their support! June 1, 2022 By Margarette Robang https://isacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/melanie-deziel-U33fHryBYBU-unsplash.jpg Photo by Melanie Melanie Deziel on Unsplash ...Continue reading
13 May PGS, Event, Resources, Blog, Skills Lab Pre-revalida jitters? Here are 5 tips to help you ace your Revalida storytelling May 24, 2022 By Johanna Amancio https://isacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Option-2-Conceptualization.jpg Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash Since penetra...Continue reading
09 May PGS, Event, PGF, Partner, NGA, Resources, Blog, Skills Lab, ISAngKilosBayan Events April Governance Review: A look into ISA’s busy lead-up to PH elections May 12, 2022 By Kirsten Ramos With one more month before the national and local elections in the Philippines, tensions were understandably high last April as o...Continue reading
29 Apr PGS, Event, Partner, NGA, Resources, Blog, Skills Lab A Rewarding PGS and ISO Integration: Here’s how the Department of Health did it May 5, 2022 By Kirsten Ramos https://isacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/DOH-OSM.jpg With millions of Filipino people’s lives at stake, the public sector ...Continue reading