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Keeping the spirit of collaboration alive in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis

The Institute for Solidarity in Asia (ISA) has been a long-time partner of the health sector in pushing for reforms that improve the quality of healthcare provided to every Juan and Juana. Over the past few years, forty-one (41) public hospitals have committed to challenging the status quo in pursuit of better health outcomes through better service delivery and patient experience. While the facilities and resources may be limited, there is an abundance of competency found in our healthcare and frontline workers who are dedicated to ensuring we will be victorious against this pandemic.

It is in these trying times that we witness the power of collaboration. By fostering an ecosystem wherein everyone contributes, we create solutions that address different challenges at every level—at the national level, policies are enacted; at the local level, measures are undertaken to protect public health and safety. This enables our hospitals to focus on doing what they do best, which is providing care for those who are victims of this crisis.

Our healthcare workers are a precious and limited resource, and we must treat them as such. We must do everything in our power to make sure they are well taken care of.

As good Filipinos, we call on everyone to support our healthcare workers and frontliners in any way you can. Among others, we encourage everyone to do the following:

  • Donate to organizations that mobilize resources and provide our healthcare workers and frontliners with basic necessities and Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs).
  • Practice personal protection to prevent the further spread of the virus. 

Every effort, big or small, can help save lives.

Finally, to all our partner hospitals and local government units, and all healthcare workers and frontliners who are holding the fort, thank you for your hard work. You are the epitome of bravery and service—our heroes for health. It is through your dedication and sacrifice that we continue to hope that this too shall pass, no matter how long the battle may take.

We will stand by you, every step of the way.

This is our commitment to you and our Dream Philippines.