Blog & Press

Blog & Press

Stay up to date with our work in the public sector as we share stories of transformation and best practices in governance

Blog & Press

Stay up to date with our work in the public sector as we share stories of transformation and best practices in governance

2023 Master Class for Hospitals: Highlights from ISA’s first onsite Governance Boot Camp post-pandemic

As hospitals strive to meet the evolving needs of their communities, it has become increasingly evident that a robust governance structure is crucial to ensure quality care delivery, streamlined operations, and the attainment of universal [...]

June 5, 2023|

Putting the Public Back into Governance: An Institute for Solidarity in Asia Open House

  Public servants play a vital role in fostering good governance. They hold the responsibility to design, monitor, and execute sustainable programs that actively contribute to the realization of the Dream Philippines. In the journey [...]

April 24, 2023|

Finding the Big Arrow: Highlights from our Skills Lab on Strategic Finance for Governance Transformation

The success of any organization hinges on the ability to create and sustain a strategy that drives genuine change. While creating a strategy is essential, sustaining it over the long term is the key to [...]

April 17, 2023|

NCMH bags Silver Trailblazer Award for elevating mental health care in PH through PGS

The demand for mental health has been increasing worldwide, and the Philippines is no exemption. With the passage of the Mental Health Act, the government recognized the dire need for accessible and quality mental healthcare [...]

April 14, 2023|

27th Boot Camp – Basic Class: Evolving PGS practices for our Dream PH

Navigating the complexities of the modern world and creating a shift in the status quo is a challenge in itself, let alone doing it without a guide to keep one’s strategies and implementations on track. [...]

March 31, 2023|

2023 Master Class for Hospitals: Highlights from ISA’s first onsite Governance Boot Camp post-pandemic

As hospitals strive to meet the evolving needs of their communities, it has become increasingly evident that a robust governance structure is crucial to ensure quality care delivery, streamlined operations, and the attainment of universal [...]

June 5, 2023|

Putting the Public Back into Governance: An Institute for Solidarity in Asia Open House

  Public servants play a vital role in fostering good governance. They hold the responsibility to design, monitor, and execute sustainable programs that actively contribute to the realization of the Dream Philippines. In the journey [...]

April 24, 2023|

Finding the Big Arrow: Highlights from our Skills Lab on Strategic Finance for Governance Transformation

The success of any organization hinges on the ability to create and sustain a strategy that drives genuine change. While creating a strategy is essential, sustaining it over the long term is the key to [...]

April 17, 2023|

NCMH bags Silver Trailblazer Award for elevating mental health care in PH through PGS

The demand for mental health has been increasing worldwide, and the Philippines is no exemption. With the passage of the Mental Health Act, the government recognized the dire need for accessible and quality mental healthcare [...]

April 14, 2023|

27th Boot Camp – Basic Class: Evolving PGS practices for our Dream PH

Navigating the complexities of the modern world and creating a shift in the status quo is a challenge in itself, let alone doing it without a guide to keep one’s strategies and implementations on track. [...]

March 31, 2023|
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