07 Apr PGS, Event, Partner, Blog, Hospital RizalMed sees golden future for PH public health July 19, 2023 By isacenterph The future of Philippine public health is indeed bright and golden as another hospital completes the third stage of the Performance Gov...Continue reading
30 Jan Event, PGF, Resources, Blog, Hospital ITRMC completes halfway mark of the PGS with a Gold Trailblazer Award July 19, 2023 By Jhulia Datu A gold-standard presentation opened this year’s Public Governance Forum - Online Revalida, with the Ilocos Training and Regional Medica...Continue reading
29 Dec PGS, Event, PGF, Partner, Resources, Blog, Hospital ISA holds first onsite Public Governance Forum after COVID-19 pandemic January 26, 2023 By Johanna Amancio Nearly three years into the global health crisis, the Institute for Solidarity in Asia (ISA) conducted its first onsite Public Gove...Continue reading
14 Dec Event, PGF, Resources, Blog, Hospital Gov’t institutions bring quality public service closer to the people through the PGS January 27, 2023 By Jhulia Datu The Institute for Solidarity in Asia ended 2022 on a high note with equally compelling stories of transformation presented at the P...Continue reading
29 Nov PGS, Partner, NGA, LGU, Resources, Blog, Hospital Infographic: ISA’s Performance Governance System in Numbers December 14, 2022 By Jeremy Tecson Every citizen has a dream for the country, but a grand reform process to achieve such ideals does not happen overnight. Creating la...Continue reading
03 Nov Event, PGF, Partner, Resources, Blog, Hospital Public hospitals bag Trailblazer awards as they advance in the PGS pathway November 15, 2022 By Jhulia Datu Two public hospitals from Luzon advanced in the Performance Governance System (PGS) pathway, earning their well-deserved Trailblaze...Continue reading
27 Oct PGS, Event, PGF, Resources, Blog, Hospital EAMC advances in the PGS pathway with a Gold Trailblazer Award October 27, 2022 By Jhulia Datu Despite a challenging start to its governance journey amid the pandemic, the East Avenue Medical Center (EAMC) garnered the Gold Tr...Continue reading
21 Oct Event, PGF, Partner, NGA, LGU, Resources, Blog, Skills Lab, Hospital, ISAngKilosBayan Events September Governance Review: More capacity development programs await as ‘ber’ months kick off October 21, 2022 By Jhulia Datu Known for celebrating Christmas the longest in the world, we Filipinos mark the month of September as the beginning of a bustling f...Continue reading
12 Sep Event, Boot Camp, Partner, NGA, LGU, Resources, Blog, Skills Lab, Hospital, ISAngKilosBayan Events August Governance Review: Building a national legacy, one program at a time September 21, 2022 By Jhulia Datu Every month of August, the country observes national events sparking patriotism and solidarity among its people. Last month, we cel...Continue reading
15 Aug Event, Partner, NGA, LGU, Resources, Blog, Skills Lab, Hospital, ISAngKilosBayan Events July Governance Review: ISA and partners brave through a “critical period of change” August 30, 2022 By Patricia Jallorina The month of July signifies the "beginning of the end," as it officially marks the onset of the last half of 2022. Similarly, for t...Continue reading