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Poor Strategic Communication Planning? Here are 5Cs you must consider!

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

In light of the increasingly complex and dynamic nature of today’s world, many institutions often struggle with executing effective communication plans, leaving them at a disadvantage when achieving their goals and objectives. Effective communication is a critical component of success for any organization, and the challenge lies in ensuring that their communication strategies can reach and engage their stakeholders.

While a well-conceived and executed communication plan can help a public institution build trust, increase transparency, and ultimately achieve its goals, developing such a plan is not a straightforward task and requires careful consideration of a range of factors.

Poor strategic communication planning? Here are 5Cs you must consider:

1. Crisp and concise message

Developing a solid and engaging strategic communication plan is essential, but so is clarity. When messages are unclear or ambiguous, it can lead to confusion and misinterpretation among your stakeholders.

According to Col. Ruel Rombaoa PA (Ret.), Head of Defense Division and Marketing & Sales at the Alpha Aviation Group (Philippines), Inc., the crisper and more concise your statements are, the better for the institution.

“Ang dami mong mae-encounter na mission-vision na high-falutin at napakahaba. Sa sobrang haba, nakalimutan mo na. It’s all about us making sure the most important component of the mission is there,” he said.

2. Creativity

A creative communication plan can help organizations differentiate themselves, engage stakeholders, and find innovative solutions to communication challenges. For Col. Rombaoa, creativity is now limitless, thanks to the power of social media. 

“There are some contents that can be shared across platforms. You can reshare a content you posted on Instagram to your Facebook. There are many techniques and tactics to do that,” he said.

Every organization is different, and some messages may appear trickier to develop and share. But for Col. Rombaoa, this is an opportunity to step further into the creative playground.  

“It’s now just a matter of tempering the contents. These tools or mediums are available; all we need to do is to come up with the right content for the right medium and tool,” he said.

These tools or mediums are available; all we need to do is to come up with the right content for the right medium and tool.
— Col. Ruel Rombaoa PA (Ret.)

3. Correct channels and objectives

It’s easy to get excited and carried away with the promises of digital tools, but the strengths and limitations of different communication channels, such as email, social media, or in-person events, must always be considered. 

“Choose the channels that best suit your target audience and communication objectives. Hindi ibig sabihin may Facebook ka yan ay pwede ka na mag Facebook or create ng page [for the organization],” Col. Rombaoa said.

Social media platforms have a large user base and can help organizations reach a large and diverse audience quickly and effectively. It also allows for two-way communication, which is crucial for building relationships with stakeholders and promoting engagement. 

4. Consistency

Consistent messaging builds trust with stakeholders by demonstrating that an organization is dependable, helping establish a positive reputation and fostering strong relationships with stakeholders.

When an institution has consistent messaging, it is also a sign of being knowledgeable and well-prepared, building confidence in the organization and its goals.

“We’re talking about precision, conciseness, alignment, one message, many voices. Without a strat communication plan that prescribes the policies and procedures that provide us with the key themes and messages, templates, mahihirapan tayo,” Col. Rombaoa said.

Choose the channels that best suit your target audience and communication objectives.
— Col. Ruel Rombaoa PA (Ret.)

5. Content creators

For many years, content creators in the digital space have proven to be a new subset of celebrities that have a lot to offer. Including them in your strategic communication plan can help bring in diverse perspectives, fresh and engaging content, targeted messaging, and cost-effectiveness.

Working with content creators can allow for new ideas and see the communication efforts from different angles, but that doesn’t always mean they have to be outsourced. Col. Rombaoa advised tapping into your own organization’s internal pool of talents. 

“Content creators can be internals as well—hindi lang yung influencers we see on social media. There are a lot of content creators in our employee pool at ang daming mga magagaling. Try to check the social media presence of your employees,” he said.

We at ISA offer the Skills Lab, a capacity development program designed to empower organizations by enhancing diverse skills unique to any organization’s needs to achieve long-term sustainability and success. New and exciting Skills Lab courses await you at ISA’s first Skills Lab Open House this April 19!
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Kristine Roraldo at [email protected] and visit https://bit.ly/SLOpenHouse2023.

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