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March Governance Review: ISA wraps up an eventful first quarter

With the first quarter of the year officially over, 2022 is not showing signs of slowing down. To keep pace with a year moving at full speed, we at the Institute for Solidarity in Asia (ISA) has shifted into high gear last March, championing good governance for each stop.

From bringing transformation stories to life to making headways in the governance pathway, here are the stories ISA has brought you in March: 

Public Governance Forum: Lung Center of the Philippines’ Online Revalida

The Lung Center of the Philippines (LCP) successfully passed the Compliance Stage of the Performance Governance System (PGS) and was conferred the Silver Trailblazer Award in an online public revalida last March 14, 2022. 

LCP Executive Director, Dr. Vincent Balanag Jr., expounded on the hospital’s significant advancements as the national apex center for lung and chest diseases, a COVID-19 referral hospital, and many more. Conferred with the Initiated Status last November 2019, LCP was inaugurated in 1982 to prevent, treat and rehabilitate respiratory illnesses amid the high mortality rate in 1981. Today, the LCP positions itself as a national apex center for treating and preventing lung and chest diseases, enabling a network of regional lung centers by 2025.

The institution takes pride in its pioneering efforts in improving patient care, including being the first government facility to offer the Dendritic cell vaccine through its Stem Cell Laboratory. In January 2022, the Department of Science and Technology awarded the LCP for novel innovation in cancer treatment. Similarly, the hospital was also the first to utilize video-assisted and minimally-invasive thoracic surgery and is gearing up to pioneer an ambitious lung transportation project in the Philippines. 

As a COVID-19 referral hospital for severe to critically-ill cases, Dr. Balanag Jr. said that their efforts in the COVID-19 response were the highlight of their achievements. The LCP participated in two international clinical drug trials, namely the WHO Solidarity trial and the Molnupiravir trial, which identified the first novel drug proven to reduce mortality in covid, ultimately changing the landscape in COVID therapeutics. Dr. Balanag Jr. added that with the outpouring of interest and support from the national government, private individuals, and groups, the LCP was able to offer four new modular infrastructures, two advanced and six new services, and outstanding research output as part of its COVID-19 response.

When asked by the multi-sector panel chair, Dr. Timothy Ting of the Asian Institute of Management, how they kept the momentum from their initiation stage despite the pandemic, Dr. Balanag Jr. said that the team’s optimism and quick response equipped them as they faced the challenges of the global health crisis.

“We always say that the pandemic has been presented as a challenge but we somehow thought of it as an opportunity. Through the pandemic, there was a lot of help for funds, equipment…[which] made us successful in providing our services in the patients of the pandemic,” he said.

Ultimately, Dr. Balanag Jr. thanked the LCP’s OSM and team for their hard work over the past two years. “The pandemic and the Compliance stage has actually brought us closer together and allowed us to work as a high-performance team amidst this challenge. As we say in Lung Center: ‘Laban Lung!'”

Skills Lab on Revalida Storytelling

With so many inspiring stories of our partners in the public sector ready to unfold, the ability to convey transformation journeys effectively to the public is more important than ever. Last month, ISA conducted a two-day Skills Lab on Revalida Storytelling which aims to help visualize and enhance the storytelling skills of our partners thoroughly.

Attended by 24 delegates from various organizations, the Skills Lab course was led by experts Ms. Julienne Joven and Mr. Agustin Juanengo of Fennel, a design agency for social causes that helps organizations through research and strategy.

On the first day of the workshop, Ms. Joven emphasized the importance of excellent overall presentation quality. Focusing on the three aspects of written narrative, visual aids, and oral delivery, she recalled the basics of storytelling and shared techniques for a concise and close to perfect PGS storytelling guide. This was followed by a quick and inspiring presentation by the Dr. Paulino J. Garcia Memorial Research Hospital & Medical Center, which served as a fitting example of a good PGS presentation.

The second and last day of the workshop was presided by Mr. Juanengo, and put the delegates’ abilities and learnings to the test as they created their sample presentation and oral delivery test. Overall, Mr. Juanengo reminded the organizations to keep in mind the aspects and elements tackled during the Skills Lab to ensure an effective and fruitful PGS presentation in the future.

Brace yourself as we go full throttle this second quarter! Check out our events and programs this April:

April 11 | Business As Usual: Philippine Resiliency Through Economic Recovery
Register here:

April 11, 18, 25 | EDGE: Managing People, Culture, and Change for Organizational Success
Register here:

April 20 | Online Revalida: Bureau of Customs (Institutionalization)
Register here:

April 27 | #ISAngBoto: Tuwing halalan lang ba kailangan matutong bumoto?
Register here:

April 28 – 29 | Skills Lab on Project Management: Being in Charge of Your Roadmap
Register here:

For inquiries, don’t hesitate to email Janine Medina at [email protected].

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